Demystifying Poetry: The Art & Joy of Befriending Verse

with teaching artist Danielle Gasparro

Saturday April 13, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

In the Library’s Community Room


An interactive reading and writing instruction class that merges the study of poetry as a literary craft with its power as a lifelong companion. Open to adult students of all experience and interest levels.


Do you walk in fear of poetry, yet feel somehow drawn to its imaginative charms and long to befriend it? Perhaps even waltz right up to its mystifying form and invite it inside for a cup of morning brew? If so—this intimate afternoon of scholarly delight is for you! It’s no secret that great poems can, and often do, demand a lot from our curious, meaning-seeking minds. Still, as Elizabeth Alexander noted, “Poetry is the human voice—are we not of interest to each other?” Whether a well-crafted line of verse calls us to more openly engage with the world around us or deep within us, poetry can seize our hearts, stir our souls, and enrich our lives like no other art form.

In this immersive, eye-opening class, you’ll gain the skills and foster the spirit that will empower you to pull back the curtain on any poem’s word-wizardry and discover the unifying human truths that kindle at its core. Through compelling, insightful lessons, impassioned readings, and vibrant, guided discussions, you’ll engage with a wide variety of masterful works—both celebrated and lesser known—to identify and explore the many devices poets use to evoke literary artistry across three major categories of craft: language, imagery, and musicality. Instructive and inspiring writing exercises will thread the class and offer you a mental tapestry of “Aha!”-stitched moments to take home and tuck inside the hope chest of your poet soul.
Both readers and writers of all experience levels are encouraged to participate in this vibrant, illuminating class. In the words of Mary Oliver: “To write well, it is entirely necessary to read widely and deeply. Good poems are the best teachers. Perhaps they are the only teachers.”
NOTE: All attendees will be provided with a customized, printed packet of poems and instructional materials. Seating for this discussion-centered class will be limited to 10 participants, so register today!
For more information or to register, send an email to Sara Bramble at or R.S.V.P.




Dobbs Ferry Public Library Writer’s Circle

This writing group was offered to the public during the pandemic at Manhattanville College’s MFA in Creative Writing program. Many students and alumni and local writers have continued to meet and share their works in supportive virtual sessions on Zoom. 

If you want to be creative, you might be interested in joining this group. We share stories, poems, drafts, and final works and give feedback to one another with the hopes of improving our craft. We also share resources in the Rivertowns and Westchester that help writers in the area to advance their skills and writing careers.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday Sept. 21 at 10:00 a.m.

If you are interested in joining us, please send your email to Sara Bramble at or to  and we will send you regular meeting reminders along with some resources and events for writers in the area.