Virtual Program: Writer’s Circle Craft Video and Writing Session

Virtual Program: Writer's Circle Craft Video and Writing Session

Thursday, July 13

10:00 am - 11:00 am

Come together on Zoom to watch a short video on Kanopy then work on a piece of writing in a small group setting! You may watch the video on your own ahead of time or watch it with the group.

July 13:
“Writing Great Fiction: How Characters Are Different From People”

You may register for a free account on Kanopy with your own library card.

Register with to get the Zoom link — please indicate the title and date of the program you are registering for!

Writing great fiction isn’t a gift reserved for a talented few – the craft of storytelling can be learned. Even if you don’t dream of penning the next Moby-Dick, you’ll enjoy exploring the elements of fiction. A wealth of exercises will get you writing so that you can practice the many techniques you learn. From evoking a scene to charting a plot, this course is a master class in storytelling. Characters are illusions, and the illusion often hinges on how much access a writer gives us to a character’s thoughts. Begin this unit on character with an examination of how writers choose which moments in a character’s life to dramatize, and then consider how knowledge of a character’s thoughts affects the story.