Sunday, July 9
All Day
This year’s theme is All Together Now, and we will be exploring activism and making the world a better place. We’ll be fighting climate change, learning about race and LGBTQIA+ issues, and exploring how to become young activists. You can earn points and prizes by reading books and coming to our events. Everyone who participates will get a ticket to our outdoor ice cream party in August!
Children: This page will tell you everything you need to know about participating if your child is between the ages of 3 and 12. (Younger kids might want to take on the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge!) This year we’re doing a points-based system. Earn 10 points for every minute you read and 500 points for every program you attend. For every 1000 points you earn, you can come to the library and pick out a prize!
Teens: Track your reading and enter a raffle for cool prizes! The first form you submit earns you a voucher for a free book from the Dobbs Ferry Friends of the Library. After that, for every 5 books you read (aka 5 forms submitted) you get entered into our end of summer raffle. Prizes to be announced.
Have questions? Email our children’s librarian, Ms. Gina, at dobchildref@wlsmail.org, or our YA librarian, Alex, at ayeranossian@wlsmail.org!
The Game ends with an ice cream party in the plaza on Friday, August 18th, from 2 to 3pm.