Friday, June 14
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
We love collabos and our fans, so come join us, Rob and Heather for FAN SELECTION FRIDAY on June 14th at 8pm, where we’ll screen the Coen Brothers cult classic Raising Arizona (1987/Rated PG-13/94 min/Comedy, Crime)!
summary: When a childless couple–an ex-con and an ex-cop–decide to help themselves to one of another family’s quintuplets, their lives become more complicated than they anticipated.
Stay after the movie for our always lively Film Discussion where we’ll share trivia and have fun prizes!
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To see one of our previous CCMN film discussions, check out our interview with Makeup/Special Effects Artist Dan Frye (Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Dr. Who)
Follow us on Instagram: @CultClassicMovieNight
Questions? Email TDeery@DobbsFerryLibrary.org