Baby Songs & Stories
Monday, March 24
10:30 am - 11:00 am
For parents and caregivers of babies up to 24 months.
Join children’s librarian Gina to learn songs, fingerplays, and more that you can do with your baby. Each meeting will leave time for open discussion and connection with other parents/caregivers.
Registration recommended but not required – email, call (914) 693-6615, or stop by the Children’s Room to sign up.
Poison Prevention in the Home: Your Guide to Poison Safety via ZOOM (Registration)
Monday, March 24
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
In recognition of National Poison Prevention week, this program provides an overview of tips for preventing unintentional poisonings in the home with household cleaners, medicines, carbon monoxide poisoning, plants, and pesticides.
Presented by the NYC Poison Center, registration required here!