“Adventure Begins At Your Library! A Sensory-Friendly Music, Dance and Comedy Show” with Mr. Matt “The Turtle Man.”

“Adventure Begins At Your Library! A Sensory-Friendly Music, Dance and Comedy Show” with Mr. Matt “The Turtle Man.”

Tuesday, July 16

10:30 am - 11:30 am

All ages

Come join the beloved Children’s Music Youtuber Mr. Matt “The Turtle Man” for an awesome music concert! The show features wonderful classic and original children’s songs and tales that engage children with songs, comedy, music technology and a little bit of swashbuckling! Join us for this novel 30-minute performance which will be accompanied by visual and sensory experiences.

The show is crafted to be inclusive for all children, including children on the Autism Spectrum, and a great time for parents and caregivers!


Virtual Writers Circle (Registration)

Virtual Writers Circle (Registration)

Tuesday, July 16

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Are you interested in creative writing? Do you want to meet other writers and get inspired? Bring a poem, short story, or excerpt from your novel to share with the group. Get feedback and support each other.

Register with reference@dobbsferrylibrary.org to get the Zoom link — please indicate the title and date of the program you are registering for!
