Town and Gown Literary Discussion group via ZOOM (Registration)

Town and Gown Literary Discussion group via ZOOM (Registration)

Monday, January 23

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

For the month of January, we will be reading “A Crooked Tree” by Una Mannion. Get the book at the library!

Including a pre-recorded trans-Atlantic interview with Isabel Grayson in New York and Una Mannion in Ireland.  Readers may submit questions for the author to answer – send your questions to Isabel Grayson at by January 15th, 2003

Register with to get the Zoom link — please indicate the title and date of the program you are registering for!

“Finding solace in the trees her late Irish immigrant father taught her to revere, a teenage girl in 1980s Pennsylvania finds her young life shattered in the wake of a summer evening gone terribly wrong.”